--Snus Reviews--

From the perspective of a former Copenhagen Snuff user. -after 30yrs dipping.

Please feel free to add your comments and share your recommendations.

A short description & history of Swedish snus:

Snus: This is not chew or dip folks. Snus is unique in that it is steam-cured rather than fire-cured, is not fermented and contains no added sugar and thus considered by many to be a safer alternative to dipping or chewing tobaccos which contain higher TSNAs and are much more proven to cause cancers amongst other health problems. Snus in it’s current form whether portion or loose has been well and alive in Sweden for over 200 years and recent studies have proven the usage amongst Swedes of snus as opposed to cigarettes have led to a much lower average of all forms of cancers as opposed to “smoking” nations. Since real snus as described in this blog is regulated as a food substance in Sweden along with being steam-cured tobacco, it is intended and normal to swallow the drip and requires no spitting.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

General Ekstra Sterk Portion

Being one of the first swedish snus I tried, I have to admit this one didn't give me a favorable feeling initially. After setting aside the tin for a week in favor of Oden's, thankfully I revisited this one. Now I can say this has become one of my favorite top 5's as the smoky salt & pepper with a lasting bergamot flavor makes this an excellent snus to get your day going with a coffee. This one continues to deliver flavor and seemingly nicotine well beyond an hour and I often find myself with this portion in my mouth at 2+ hours.

With a nicotine level at (15 mg/portion), this one will keep you alert and attentive!

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