--Snus Reviews--

From the perspective of a former Copenhagen Snuff user. -after 30yrs dipping.

Please feel free to add your comments and share your recommendations.

A short description & history of Swedish snus:

Snus: This is not chew or dip folks. Snus is unique in that it is steam-cured rather than fire-cured, is not fermented and contains no added sugar and thus considered by many to be a safer alternative to dipping or chewing tobaccos which contain higher TSNAs and are much more proven to cause cancers amongst other health problems. Snus in it’s current form whether portion or loose has been well and alive in Sweden for over 200 years and recent studies have proven the usage amongst Swedes of snus as opposed to cigarettes have led to a much lower average of all forms of cancers as opposed to “smoking” nations. Since real snus as described in this blog is regulated as a food substance in Sweden along with being steam-cured tobacco, it is intended and normal to swallow the drip and requires no spitting.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Skruf Xtra Stark Portion

Is it a bird, a plane, maybe a train?
Skruf has undoubtedly released one of the hardest hitting snus to date. As well known, skruf branded snus already delivers a quick hit of nicotine by snus standards, now they have taken it to a whole new level with a literal BLAST of nicotine that seems not to quit! This one is pure good ole' skruf with that BAM taking the experience to a whole new level. The rose oil still stands out yet you can feel the peppery nicotine pounding away at your tissues. I would recommend using this one sparingly yet worthy as a "wake up" and smell the roses snus!

At an estimated (17-18mg nicotine) per portion, this one will likely knock a newcomer straight on their arse and put you on the toilet!

1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to try Xtra Stark, since I love Skruf Stark. I'm just not sure if I could handle a nicotine content that high!
